A flow meter is equipment for measuring the flow rate of gases and fluids under a process in various facilities and industrial plants. It is a test instrument that determines the speed of fluids passing through vessels, orifices, or pipelines at a particular time. Instrumentation and control engineers normally regulate the efficiency and speed of fluid flow. However, the flow meter readings deviate during the process due to liquid pressure causing an inaccurate reading. Flow meter calibration is conducted to reset the meter to the true value when this happens. Flow meters are calibrated by comparing them to a predefined standard. Biotechnical Services Inc. has the best technology for accurate and precise flow meter calibration in San Diego.

Flow Meter Calibration and Recalibration

Flow meter calibration entails comparing the measurement readings of a particular flow meter and comparing it to a standard under the same conditions and rectifying the flow meter by adjusting it to be accurate according to the given standard.

Flow meter recalibration involves resetting a flow meter that has already been used. As a flow meter is used, it goes out of phase over time.

How to Calibrate a Flow Meter

There are several ways of calibrating a flow meter. However, these methods must meet the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards. Some of the methods used by Biotechnical Services Inc. for flow meter calibration in San Diego are:

  • Piston Prover Calibration
  • Gravimetric Calibration
  • Master Meter Calibration

Tips on The Best Flow Meter Calibration Practices

Calibration Standard

The accuracy of flow meter calibration depends on the precision of the calibration standard. When calibrating your flow meter, ensure that the standard is four times more accurate than the flow meter under test. It is a requirement by the set calibration industry standards. However, the more accurate calibration standards are, the more the cost. A more accurate calibration standard has more quantity of test points being recorded and their breadth. A more advanced calibration standard has a set of several piezometers. The other costs associated with flow meter calibration are; uninstalling, transport, and the final reinstallation of the flow meter to its process. Biotechnical Services Inc. can perform onsite calibration. You don’t have to incur the costs of dismantling and transporting your flow meter. Our calibration engineers will visit your facility or industry when you contact us; perform the tests, and calibrate your flow meter.


The standard used for flow meter calibration should be traceable to a documented and recognized body in the industry. In the United States, calibration standards are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The traceability of a standard is critical for calibration authenticity. When calibrating your flow meter under traceability, it is compared against a given standard usually conducted under strictly controlled laboratory conditions. It ensures that the test conducted is traceable to national and international standards.

Flow Rate

The equipment flow rate and the standard must be consistent when conducting your calibration. For the calibration tests to be constant, ensure that you take both readings in real-time to establish if there is a deviation before adjusting your flow meter. The calibration procedure has o be conducted by a specialist technician who has a sound understanding of gas and fluid properties. Biotechnical Services Inc. has certified technicians for your flow meter calibration in San Diego.

Consistent Measurement

Calibration measurements must be taken and examined consistently for accurate results. A certified technician must ensure that the correct calibration procedure is adhered to, traceability standards are followed, and any uncertainty during the test is recorded. When calibrating the flow meter, temperature fluctuations in the laboratory must be considered. These tests must be carried out by a calibration professional.


When calibrating your flow meter, ensure that you consider the equipment’s conditions it usually operates. The conditions that affect the flow meter reading include:

  • Density
  • Viscosity
  • The temperature of the as or liquid being measured
  • Electronic interference
  • Flow disturbances
  • Vibrations

If the tests are taken without considering these factors, the calibration results may not be as accurate as expected. The best way to solve this problem is to test your flow meter when operating under its usual process.


The accuracy of your flow meter is crucial. Failure to calibrate your equipment may lead to detrimental consequences, losses, and a reduction in its performance. Contact Biotechnical Services Inc. for accurate and precise flow meter calibration in San Diego and its environs if your facility or industry requires equipment tests.