Lab Equipment Validation Services
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Validation services second to none.
Biotechnical Services, Inc. (BTS) offers laboratory equipment validation services to meet all of your “installation, operational, and performance qualification (IOPQ)” needs. Our immediate service area includes San Diego, CA but we also cover San Francisco and Los Angeles in California-. Other locations we serve include Arizona, Nevada, and Utah (zone travel charges will apply to remote locations).
Regulatory compliance can be challenging. Ensure the future of your processes and methods with BTS lab equipment validation services. Don’t wait for clinical trials to establish validation protocols or have you validations completed! Our team not only develops your “installation, operational, and performance qualification (IOPQ) protocols, but in most cases, we perform the IOPQ validation as well. We offer IOPQ services for HPLC’s, freezers, incubators (all types), environmental chambers, furnaces, water systems, balances, spectrophotometers, centrifuges, thermal cyclers, cryo-tanks and many other pieces of laboratory equipment.
BTS can assist in determining the cGMP requirements for your
- Facility (sanitation, design and construction)
- Equipment (mechanical, electronic, environmental)
- Production and Process
- Holding and Distribution
- Consumer Complaints
- Record Keeping
Contact us for services in San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles in CA along with Arizona, Nevada and Utah.
Contact us today for a price quote for individual calibrations or e-mail your instrument list for an entire calibration program quotation.