Every laboratory has a centrifuge. It is one of the most important pieces of equipment in a lab and is used for various purposes in different laboratories. When it comes to a lab, everything must be perfect, from choosing the equipment to its installation.

As a centrifuge’s function is important, so is its installation and calibration. Therefore, some key factors must be considered when setting up a centrifuge.

As a laboratory owner or staff, you hire only the best for centrifuge installation and centrifuge in San Diego to ensure accurate results and your staff’s safety.

What Is a Centrifuge?

Though you know it, knowing what a centrifuge is, won’t hurt.

A centrifuge is a machine that separates fluids based on their density by spinning quickly. Different mediums carry the mixtures and have heterogeneous fluids or particles that a centrifuge separates. It is a common lab equipment in hospitals, testing labs, chemistry labs, etc.

A centrifuge has space for several small vessels or tubes fixed in place. Against the vessel with the mixtures, the centrifuge is counterbalanced with tubes containing the same mass so the rotor does not tip or lose its balance.

Factors To Consider During a Laboratory Centrifuge Installation

Different types of centrifuges are available in the market. For example, there are micro and tabletop centrifuges. But the installation of both types is quite similar.

Suitable Temperature

The first and foremost requirement for centrifuge installation is a suitable temperature. The ideal temperature for a centrifuge is 2⁰C to 35⁰C. In unusual heat, the centrifuge might not work properly.

Besides, every laboratory must have temperature controls to maintain an ideal room temperature. It is especially important during summer as the temperature rises. The presence of chemicals and their different temperatures also affect a centrifuge’s operation. So, read the manual carefully and ensure a suitable temperature.

A Designated Space

Apart from the right temperature, a centrifuge must be placed on a flat surface. If you have permanent centrifuge platforms, it is best. But if not, a table or a bench is required. It should be large enough to accommodate the equipment and its accessories. The surrounding space must be clean and decluttered.

The importance of setting up a centrifuge on a flat surface is due to the high speed of the rotor. It rattles the surface and nearby stuff; thus, keeping the surroundings clutter-free is vital. The centrifuge lid might open due to unusual rattling if the machine is put on an uneven surface.

Other than this, it is important to learn that a centrifuge is meant for indoor use. Therefore, it should not be installed near a window or heat.

Electrical Circuit

Other than the space and temperature, an electrical circuit is a must for the centrifuge, and it should be within close reach of the machine. A centrifuge runs on an A.C. voltage. The rest of the instructions can be found in the centrifuge manual.

Test Run

Once the centrifuge has been set up, a test run is essential. A professional team is responsible for installation and centrifuge calibration in San Diego.

How To Safely Operate a Centrifuge?

So, your centrifuge is ready to be used, but a standard set of procedures must be followed during each operation.

  • Before using a centrifuge, ensure it is properly balanced on the surface. It also includes checking the buckets and adapters. Each centrifuge tube is counterbalanced by an opposite tube across the bucket. Also, the tubes should not be balanced by volume but by mass. Measure the weight of tubes with their caps on so the weight is accurately measured. As a centrifuge runs fast, it is a non-negotiable prerequisite.
  • Fix the tubes in buckets tightly and close the lid carefully. The contents of centrifuge tubes are classified into different categories of severity of harm. They can be very harmful.
  • The centrifuge must always be operated in the presence of personnel. In case of unusual wobbling or shaking, turn off the machine. Unplug it from the circuit and don’t open it until the rotor has stopped entirely.
  • Check the tubes carefully before using them. Breakage during the operation can be disastrous. Check them for a crack or any signs of potential breakage.
  • Clean the centrifuge after every use, and ensure the bucket has no foreign elements.
  • Always wear protective gear during centrifuge operation and maintain a safe distance.

Centrifuge Calibration in San Diego

Apart from the above tips, centrifuge calibration is a must to ensure safe operation. Consult Biotechnical Services Inc. today and let our experienced team handle centrifuge calibration for you in San Diego, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

Contact us today for more information!