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The virus is a particle of genetic material. These small viral particles are either DNA or RNA.The virus is not a living organism as it is merely an organic chemical, they depend on a hostto continue their life cycle and reproduce. This host is an animal or plant. The virus is notalways infecting humans they also do some important functions in the human body, buttoday we will focus only on 10 disease-causing bacteria.


When the virus infects a cell of a living organism to replicate itself it is called viral infection.The active viral particles infect all the other cells in the body hence, damaging the cells andthe organ of the host.


This infamous virus whichoriginated in Wuhan, China hascaused the largest pandemic of20th century yet.

(SARS-CoV-2) Coronaviruscauses mildrespiratory disease and lung infections. Elderpeople or people with weaker immunity anddeteriorating lungs health are the prey to thisvirus.

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)

Can affect the lungs and cancause infection. If it infects the lower lungs it can causediseases like- Pneumonia, andwhen it infects the upper part of the lungs itcauses the common cold.

Hepatitis A

This virus affects the liver and insevere cases.

can causeJaundice. The symptoms of theinfection are yellowing of the body and nails and fatigue. Yellowing occursbecause the liver is not functioning well andhence toxins start accumulating in your body.


It affects the bowel movement inyoung children and babies. Itcauses severe diarrhea andwatery discharge, usually, the body got dehydrated. In developing countries andmany parts of Africa, many children have lost their lives due to this virus.

HIV (Human Immuno Virus)

This virus causes the deadlyAIDS. It affects some specificT-cells in the body which arebasically responsible forproviding immunity. It also spreads fromunprotected sexual intercourse and also from theexchange of body fluids like- blood, semen,mucus etc. Blades, razors and syringes used onother people if used on individuals can alsospread the HIV virus.


It causes common cold andagave more than 200 variantthat causes the common cold.The symptoms are body fatigue,headache, sore throat running nose cough etc.These symptoms last for about a week or two.

HSV-I (Herpes simplex virus-I)

It is one of the virusesresponsible for spreading STDs(sexually transmitted diseases).It spread via kissing andintercourse with various different partner. Itcauses cold sores and herpes in the genitals.

Hepatitis B

This virus spreads throughcontaminated food, blood andbody fluids. It affects and liver.The vaccine is available for thisvirus and is 90% capable of preventing the viralattack.

HPV (Human papilloma virus)

HPV is the most common STD inthe world. HPV has many strainsand cancausevariousinfections from warts to cancer like cervical cancer. Condoms are the mosteffective contraceptive method to getprotection from STDs. The vaccine is alsoavailable against this virus.


It causes acute Gastroenteritis.It hinders the process ofdigestion,assimilation anddrastically affects bowelmovement. Fever and headache are the after effects of this viral infection. Thisspreads from contaminated food, water,surface and such. Hygienic sanitationpractices can save you from this.These are a few of the viruses that cause a lot of diseases in humans. One must practice goodeating habits to develop a strong immunity to protect one’s body from diseases. Hygienic sanitationpractices, consumption of clean food and water will also protect you from diseases.

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